Времена группы Present(таблица).pdf
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Choose the correct verbs so that each tense appears once.
Present simple/progressive, present perfect simple/progressive, future I simple/progressive

  1.  five e-mails so far.
  2. She  since seven o’clock.
  3. Sandy and her mum  a cake at the moment.
  4. Let's ask Tom. He  the answer.
  5. They  TV right now.
  6. She is well-informed about politics because she  the newspaper every day.

Complete the sentences for situations in the present. Decide which tense you need to use.

  1. Ms Smith (work)  as a sales representative for three years.
  2. In her job, she (drive)  around a lot to meet her customers all over the country.
  3. Today she (travel)  500 km to meet a customer.
  4. She (be/surely)  tired now.
  5. At the moment, Ms Smith (stand)  in her hotel room.
  6. She (arrive/just) .
  7. But she (can/not)  take a little nap now because she (must)  call her customer.
  8. They (wait/probably)  for her phone call.

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